Sept 22 – Fundraising Event for Charter School in Tehachapi

Come on up to Tehachapi Sept 22nd – Get out of the valley heat and support this cause!! For tickets and other information please contact Jen Webb here.
Abernathy Collegiate Charter School
What is a Charter School?
Charter schools are nonsectarian FREE public “schools of choice,” designed to provide an alternative to regular public schools.
Our charter school will be a site-based charter school. Children will be in a regular classroom with teachers.
How is it different from a public school?
Charter schools are tailored to the student’s needs. They are given freedom from certain bureaucratic procedures with the idea that this will give them a greater ability to focus on creating academic emphasis. Charter schools are typically free to hire or fire personnel, design curriculum, and promote specific values.
What grades will it serve?
We will initially serve grades 6-9, then add one grade level each year up to 12th grade.
What will it emphasize?
· Students FIRST
· Parent Driven School
· Highest academic Expectations – each child will be expected to take at least one Advanced Placement class by their senior year.
· Full Understanding of American Exceptionalism
· Curriculum that inspires critical thinking and a world view consistent with American Founding Principles
· CLEAR teaching of Right & Wrong
· Child/Parent/Teacher Accountability
· 100% High School Graduation and 100% College or other post-graduate training program
· Absence of Teacher’s Union Influence
· Required Community Service
· Integrate Computer Technology into the classroom
How else will it be different from a public school?
· Uniforms are mandatory (affordable khaki pants/shorts & collared shirt)
· Each child/parent/administrator must sign both an academic & behavioral code of conduct. If not followed, the child will be removed from school.
· Each child will be required to say the Pledge of Allegiance